Other procedures


In addition to massages, hydrotherapy, heat therapy, and other procedures, our offer also includes some special procedures related to the inhalation or utilisation of the healing effects of carbon dioxide. Their goal is to improve the overall defences of the body.

Brasil Oxygen- oxygentherapy

Brasil Oxygen- oxygentherapy

Duration of the procedure:

50 minút

It is an oxygen therapy in which humidified oxygen-enriched air is produced by the Oxymat. Increased oxygen supply improves the effectiveness of defense mechanisms, increases the body's performance, slows down the overall aging. Suitable for athletes, seniors, top managers and people who are under severe pressure and need top performance.

Therapeutic effects:

  • increasing blood oxygenation, thereby improving oxygen supply to tissues
  • memory improvement
  • improving the quality of sight and hearing
  • increase in immunity

Recommended for:

  • stress and fatigue reduction
  • memory failure
  • treating migraine
  • heart diseases (angina pectoris, ischemia)
  • chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis)
Lesotho –  CO2 wrap

Lesotho – CO2 wrap

Duration of the procedure:

40 minút

CO2 injections

CO2 injections

Duration of the procedure:

1 sedenie

Electrotherapy (Diadynamic, Interference currents, Diathermy, Magnetotherapy, Ultrasound)

Electrotherapy (Diadynamic, Interference currents, Diathermy, Magnetotherapy, Ultrasound)

Duration of the procedure:

podľa predpisu lekára

Price: 20,00 EUR

 Electric impulses are used in the treatment of several diseases of the locomotive organs and neurological diseases. The electrotherapy procedure utilizes the irritating effect of mixed electric currents of varying intensity. Irritation by electrical impulses at specific parts of the body results in blood flow to the treated part of the body, mainly painful large joints. It has markedly analgesic effects, ie it relieves pain and at the same time relaxes and strengthens muscles.



Electrotreatment procedure that uses the irritating effect of mixed electrical currents (galvanic, faradic or other). It achieves blood flow to the treated part of the body, mainly painful large joints. It has analgesic effects.

Therapeutic effects:

  • pain relief
  • inhibition of inflammation
  • muscle relaxation and strengthening

Recommended for:

  • locomotive diseases (joint and spine pain)
  • neurological diseases

The procedure lasts: as prescribed by a doctor

Prescription required: yes

Interference currents

Interference currents are used in the treatment of locomotive organs. These are alternating, medium-frequency currents, which are applied by the device, irritating the nerve-muscle tissue. They are applied to the back, upper and lower limbs, bladder muscle.

Therapeutic effects:

  • pain relief
  • muscle relaxation
  • improving tissue perfusion
  • muscle stimulation

Recommended for:

  • pain of nervous origin
  • inflammatory rheumatic changes
  • in diseases of the spine, joints of the upper and lower limbs

The procedure lasts: as prescribed by a doctor

Prescription required: yes


Diathermy is a form of utilizing high-frequency currents for deep tissue overheating. The basic effect of the high-frequency current when passing through the tissue is the generation of heat at the depth of the tissue.

Therapeutic effects:

  • vascular enlargement increases blood flow
  • tissue nutrition is improved
  • local and overall defenses increase
  • heat acts sedative and relieves pain

Recommended for:

  • musculoskeletal disorders (eg chronic inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases, post-traumatic conditions)
  • nervous diseases (eg spine)
  • urological diseases (chronic conditions of kidney inflammation)
  • gynecological diseases (eg inflammatory conditions)
  • skin diseases (eg purulent skin, rose disease)
  • internal diseases (chronic airway inflammation, asthma)

The procedure lasts: as prescribed by a doctor

Prescription required: yes


It utilizes the therapeutic effect of permanent or pulsating magnetic fields, which by their action increases the permeability of cell membranes many times. There is increased metabolism, markedly increased blood flow and oxygenation of body parts to which the pulsed magnetic field is applied. The client lies on a magnetic mat or has his limbs inserted into a magnetic applicator.

Therapeutic effects:

  • reduces and eliminates pain
  • causes dilation of blood vessels
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • has a healing effect
  • promotes metabolism

Recommended for:

  • post-traumatic conditions
  • chronic, inflammatory and degenerative conditions of the musculoskeletal system
  • pains of nervous origin (neuralgia)

The procedure lasts: as prescribed by a doctor

Prescription required: yes

Ultrasound therapy

The ultrasonic device generates ultrasonic waves that penetrate deep into the tissues where they vibrate the cells. The tissue converts mechanical energy into thermal energy, thus locally raising the temperature of the underlying tissues, such as muscles and the micromassage effect at the cellular level. Regarding the indications, it is applied at different intensities and therapeutic doses. Ultrasound is applied by a physiotherapist in circular movements, using the head, directly to the affected area.

Therapeutic effects:

  • pain relief
  • release of cramps
  • improving blood flow
  • improving nutrition and tissue regeneration capacity
  • strong muscle relaxation

Recommended for:

  • osteoarthritis
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the joints
  • pains of neural origin (neuralgia)
  • neuritis
  • gynecological problems and many other diseases

The procedure lasts: 5-10 min. / according to doctor's prescription /

Prescription required: yes


Bioptron is one of the light healing procedures that takes advantage of the beneficial properties of natural sunlight without ultraviolet radiation and possible harmful effects. It is applied directly to the skin and supports the regenerative abilities of the body. It helps the body activate its own self-healing potential. It is used topically under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Therapeutic effects:

  • relieving and relieving pain (throat, head, trauma, rheumatic pain)
  • improves wound healing
  • strengthens muscles

Recommended for:

  • vertebrogenic pain syndrome
  • skin diseases
  • inflammatory processes
  • rheumatic pain
  • after fractures
  • overloaded muscles and the like.

The procedure lasts: as prescribed by a doctor

Prescription required: yes


Solux is a method in which infrared light is applied locally by means of the device, which by its thermal action increases the body's immunity. Various therapeutic effects can be achieved by irradiation. It is mainly used in chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, allergy, bronchitis, etc.).

Therapeutic effects:

  • tissue overheating and heating
  • relieves pain and swelling

Recommended for:

  • vertebrogenic pain syndrome
  • arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • skin diseases
  • inflammation
  • asthma, bronchitis

The procedure lasts: as prescribed by a doctor

Prescription required: yes


The royal power of nature

We offer you a unique type of preventive healthcare that combines comprehensive medical services and the healing powers of nature. The basic pillar for the provision of spa care is our thermal mineral water.

The thermal medicinal mineral water is used for partial and whole body baths as well as for drinking programmes for certain types of diseases: from a urological point of view, it is very suitable for phosphate and carbonate stones and sand in the urinary tract for its content of calcium sulphate (CaSO4), which reduces the pH of urine.

Chemical composition
for bathing for for drinking
Ca2+ 257,31 258,12
Mg2+ 62,75 62,75
SO42 532 535
FE- 1,5 1,4
CO2 52,8 158,4

The healing springs of Turčianske Teplice are declared as medicinal thermal mineral waters according to Act no. 538/2005 on natural healing waters, natural healing spas, spa resorts, and natural mineral waters. Due to the high mineral content levels of up to 1,524 mg/l, they have extremely beneficial and broad-spectrum therapeutic effects on locomotor, neurological, urological, digestive, gynaecological, oncological, and occupational diseases.

Healing effects of the springs in Turčianske Teplice

The thermal healing mineral water helps improve circulation of the blood and lymphatic system. The water pressure acts as a bandage, which facilitates exercise and movement in water.

An important physical effect of the thermal healing mineral water is the reaction of the organism. The primary response to this stimulus is an increase of the surface temperature of the body. The secondary reaction involves the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, and endocrine systems, as well as the immune system. Also important is the chemical effect of the mineral water, when minerals enter into the skin and then deeper into the body tissues during and after the bath. Such a bath also reduces blood pressure and acts on the expansion of the vessels. Overall, the bath has a relaxing and soothing effect. The temperature of the mineral bath is usually 34-38°C (exceptionally up to 40°C).

The thermal water of Turčianske Teplice with a high mineral content (sulphates, bicarbonates, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.) has proven therapeutic effects on locomotor, urological, nerve, and gynaecological diseases.

  • drinking the water is suitable for prostate inflammation because it contains a lot of calcium and magnesium that have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects
  • for the high content of calcium, magnesium, and fluorine, the mineral water of Turčianske Teplice is also very suitable for drinking treatments against osteoporosis and several types of kidney stones and intestinal problems
  • from the point of view of the digestive tract, it is suitable for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon, where it has beneficial effects on the mucosa, and also for gallbladder diseases, as it increases the formation and secretion of bile
  • it is a good drink and also a medicinal product for hyperaciditis, even with the increased formation of gastric acid content; on the contrary, it is not recommended to drink the water in case of insufficient gastric acid in the organism


Golden Bath

Golden Bath

Duration of the procedure:

30 minute

The Golden Bath, formerly called the Blue Bath, is an absolute rarity among Slovak spas. It features a circular pool with a golden mosaic and a constantly active piscina. The thermal medicinal mineral water continuously flows in through a grate bottom and out through the drain. The spring yield is 0.74 l/s, and the water temperature in the bath is 38°C. After taking a bath, you can enjoy one of our royal massages or a relaxing wrap in a luxurious relaxation room. Just as the Hungarian emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg bathed and relaxed in these premises more than five centuries ago.

Gold procedures

Gold procedures





Heat therapy

Heat therapy

Movement activities

Movement activities

Other procedures

Other procedures

Duration of the procedure:

30 - 60 - 90 min

Duration of the procedure:

120 min

Do not hesitate to write to us, we will be happy to answer all of your questions